Saturday, October 1, 2011

i'm giving up

a List of things i am currently doing:
1. still thinking about the season 4 premier of MERLIN
2. waiting for my shortbread bars to cool
3. watching the daily show
4. reading gmail inbox
5. skype is open
6. procrastinating against my lousy homework
7. realizing i should probably get started on my lousy homework
8. cringing at the thought of gov christie as president.
9. laughing at jon stewart's ridiculous props
10. the epic everlasting challenge of playing solitaire and losing 9/10 times

1 comment:

  1. four things.

    one - if chris christie runs and gets elected, i am moving to canada.
    two - you should skype me sometime.
    three - can i have a shortbread bar?
    four - MERLIN.
